#SF49 Ticket ritual

    As you may recall from past years’ blogging, I started a ritual of taking a selfie, with my ticket, at home before heading to the Thon, as a way to avoid forgetting my ticket. I started this after a year when I forgot tickets for me and my kids, doh. Well, this year as I worked my way through my prep checklist last night, I grabbed my ticket and stuck it in the pocket my new shoulder satchel has, that my original one does not have, as a safe place to make sure I have it with me. And amidst my minor angst throwing the last few things into my backpack, which surprised me with it’s weight, I forgot my ritual. I was just shy of halfway here when I suddenly worried about my ticket, and quickly remembered I had it with me. So this year’s ticket pic is from my seat at the Somerville Theater in Davis Square, saving seats for my neighbor snd friend Ken. ^_^

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