Archive for the ‘bsfm’ Category

#SF49 Ticket ritual

February 18, 2024

    As you may recall from past years’ blogging, I started a ritual of taking a selfie, with my ticket, at home before heading to the Thon, as a way to avoid forgetting my ticket. I started this after a year when I forgot tickets for me and my kids, doh. Well, this year as I worked my way through my prep checklist last night, I grabbed my ticket and stuck it in the pocket my new shoulder satchel has, that my original one does not have, as a safe place to make sure I have it with me. And amidst my minor angst throwing the last few things into my backpack, which surprised me with it’s weight, I forgot my ritual. I was just shy of halfway here when I suddenly worried about my ticket, and quickly remembered I had it with me. So this year’s ticket pic is from my seat at the Somerville Theater in Davis Square, saving seats for my neighbor snd friend Ken. ^_^

#SF49 Duck Dodgers – Blast Off

January 20, 2024
Planet X is about to be ex

    Ray guns a blasting, we are off. The emcee for the Thon had trouble getting clear timing on the countdown, so it was a bit rushed. Fun hearing newbs react to Duck Dodgers. ^_^

#SF49 Where is everybody?

January 20, 2024
There they are

    No surprise, I got started later than the broad plan in my head, and I did OK keeping chill, and arrived at the above line just after 10am. I’m waiting on a new to me car, as my fabulous RAV4 is having transmission issues, though it did make it to Alewife this morning. It is chilly this morning, and my heated vest is helping keep it at bay. The attendees in line are doing the usual socializing. Rumor has it that the line up timing is online, and that they will let us in at 10:30am. As I recall, it was 11am doors open in the past, regardless of weather. ^_^

#SF49 The Matrix

January 20, 2024

    Neo in his triumphant, about to fly, moment, and Trinity getting panicky. A fun action movie, with warnings of what reliance on AI might bring. A couple lines I didn’t notice before caught my attention, “take a cookie” and “there is no spoon”. Reminds me to enjoy seeing a movie again, and to keep my eyes and ears open. Next up, One Million B.C. and later the original pilot for the TV series Lost in Space. ^_^

#SF47 Thon ticket ritual

February 20, 2022

    As regular followers know, I started a ritual a several years ago of taking a picture of my tickets, for blogging, before leaving home, to make sure I have them with me. Sadly I was unable to this year, as I either didn’t get them in the mail, or misplaced them, so instead, here is a pic of past tickets I dug up in looking for this year’s tickets.

    I was pretty stressed about not having my tickets, and emailed asking for assistance. Garen replied that it was no problem, and getting here I got tickets with no issue. So here is a pic of my tickets, at the theater. ^_^