Archive for May, 2008

My new home takes shape

May 21, 2008

    While I continue to struggle to get my house ready for selling, I take some comfort in the progress of my new community, Mosaic Commons, both from a personal level and from a construction perspective. One of our many resident geeks set up this webcam in our marketing trailer, and it happens to look at my house (the one on the right). I can now look to the future whenever I’m having doubts.

    As it turns out, one of the General Contractor’s folks working on this project had the chance to take some fabulous aerial photos of our site, including this one, where my home is one of the 2 large buildings on the bottom just left of center. This picture also gives you a sense of the 2 neighborhoods, with Camelot Cohousing in the upper right part of the picture, and Mosaic Commons in the middle to lower left. These 2 communities are part of Sawyer Hill Ecovillage in Berlin, MA. We still have units available, so come be my neighbor. 🙂