Archive for February, 2011

#BSFM36 – Fin

February 21, 2011

Toy Tank Takes on TerrorAs I expected, The Last Woman on Earth was hardly a sci-fi flick. It was basically a love triangle movie. At least I got some nap time.

Next up is Mothra, in original Japanese with subtitles. I always enjoyed those old Japanese monster movies when I used to get my fix with channel 56’s Creature Double Feature, although they weren’t in Japanese. Toy tanks, toy planes, wow and I just saw a toy soldier in the toy tank. Can’t forget the guy in the rubber monster suit.

We’ve made it to the final movie of the THON, Zonad. So far it looks like a comedy, based in a small Irish village. It’s been a really ‘fun’ THON, and everyone seems to have had fun as well.

The weather this year was a bit of a tease. Every year it is always rather cold, and sometimes it snows. This year the days leading up to the THON were quite warm, and I was thinking we might have a warm one this year, but alas, it turned cold, very cold, and it even started snowing early this morning. Fortunately the accumulation has been light, so our return home will not be impeded.

Until next year’s Boston Science Fiction Marathon 37, live long and prosper. ^_^

#BSFM36 – update 4

February 21, 2011

No, that crack in the ceilingAt this point, Ken has headed off to catch a nap at his office before his work day starts. This happens to be the first year that I have not gotten President’s Day off as a holiday, so I took it off as a vacation day. When it comes down to it, I’m up for way more than the 24 hours of the THON, as I need to get up and get there, as well as some prep work.

At some point during the night you are faced with a decision, which is going to leave you in worse shape, staying awake the whole time or napping. It’s a decision often easier to make in hind sight, but by then it’s too late. And I may be getting to an age that I no longer can make the decision, I’ll nap regardless. I wonder if this is one of those years.

As can be seen in the picture, Alexei got to play with the laser pointer set I got him for Christmas. The crowd has been pretty subdued, despite the guidance given to new attendees at the start. So far the movies have been
pretty good, so not as many opportunities for MST3K style snark. And by the time any other snarkable flick arrives folks will likely be a tad tired.

#BSFM36 – update 3

February 20, 2011

The Original Starbuck Watching Battlestar Galactica brings back memories, both new and old. I enjoyed the TV series when it was on, and it brings back memories of my life then. On the other hand, it brings back memories of watching the new series. It’s also interesting to compare the two series, both from a technological and story perspective. The acting is very different, but not so different from most films of the time.

After BSG, they started selling pizza. We decided to go out for a bite, but not before we got a couple shots of someone putting on a gorilla suit with tin foil helmet. We did not hang around to see who actually won the aluminum foil hat contest.

The Alien Mating Call contest is now under way. Never much for earth shattering excitement, this year was no different. Admittedly, the winner was clear with her part feline, part reptile call.

It turns out the MST3K was one we had already seen, and it was a good one too. Sadly, I was unimpressed with the Rosebud Diner. The food was OK standard American fair, but they charged extra for the tomato and lettuce on the sandwiches, and didn’t mention that when the waitress asked us if we wanted either. Grump. The kids enjoyed their meals, so all was well

Getting tired, so I may not blog as much as I thought I might. See you at the next update.

#BSFM36 – update 2

February 20, 2011

Porky and Daffy I am trying some new things this time around, including trying to post more often, and using a Twitter hash tag in the post title. Since my posts get tweeted to my Twitter stream, and I’ve decided to use the hash tag #BSFM36 for my tweets about the THON, including it in my title helps me track my posts as part of my Twitter stream, extensive as it is.

Star Trek was wonderful, and naturally very well received. Now we are enjoying a silent 1916 version of Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It also seems to be merging in Verne’s Mysterious Island as well. Quite an historical change of pace.

The picture, which may not be easy to make out, is of Daffy Duck and Porky Pig in the traditional Waldorf and Stadtler box seats. Nice to have the stars of Duck Dodgers in the 24th and a half century join us.

BSFM36 Begins

February 20, 2011

The Shaving Cream AtomHere I am, back to blogging, as it’s that time of year, This year’s Boston Science Fiction Marathon is another special year, as my youngest son has joined us for the first time. My oldest and my dad are also here, being the third year for my oldest.

To start this year’s Thon, they got a great movie, Star Trek, the newest in the series. I think they have done a great job of restarting the series, with lots of possibilities. I only hope they keep up the good work.