Archive for January, 2023

#SF48 Soon

January 14, 2023

    Here we are in the middle of January, which means that the Boston Science Fiction Marathon is about a month away. As part of the broader Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival, which this year includes, in addition to the Marathon, a Time Traveler’s Ball as part of the week long activities. I’m still concerned about COVID, and wish they had hybrid offerings, though I currently plan to attend. My daughter on the other hand is not planning on attending again this year, some of which is COVID related.

    Despite the regular social media postings from the Boston Sci-Fi team, I haven’t noticed any specific titles yet for the Thon, and there are some titles noted for the Festival. As we get closer, hopefully there will be more Thon details, and as always, I plan to blog my way through the 24 hours. I may be alone this year, for the first time in many years, as at least one of my friends who regularly attends has COVID concerns and will be away then, and my other regularly attending friend may also be away. And as noted earlier, my oldest will not be attending. I’ll have to cogitate on that a bit and see if it impacts what I bring or do. 😉