Archive for April, 2017

Sounds in the woods

April 8, 2017

   I went for a walk around my neighborhood, and as I got to the conservation area trail heads, I felt the call of the woods, so I followed . As I walked, I paid attention to the sounds I could hear. Along the path I heard the grinding crunch of gravel and stones, and the soft, scuffling, scrunch of dead oak leaves as my feet moved along. The blowing sound of air past my ear, the rustle of dead oak leaves still on the tree as a breeze blows, the soft roar of the wind high overhead in the tall tree tops. 

    I stop at a pile of rocks to write, and I can hear the squeak of wood on wood as a barren tree rubs against another, a passing jet’s sky high lonely roar, a distant plane’s muted rumble, and an occasional car’s wheel whine. I’m somewhat surprised at how rarely I hear a bird’s chirp and peep, much less the call of a chickadee. It takes a degree of focus to listen to all these sounds, as it can feel so quiet and peaceful. Leaving is easier knowing I can come back anytime. 

Blogging on my mind

April 6, 2017

    Back in the early days of the internet, when blogging was still young, I worked for Sun Microsystems, and they pretty happily embraced all things internet. So I ventured into the new world of social media, including this Twitter thing, and I started a blog. That was in July of 2004, as I rediscovered today. You see, I now work for Oracle, and they are in the process of changing over to a new blogging platform. As part of that transition, they are mothballing some blogs, only migrating ones that meet certain criteria, such as a large number of  posts,and recently posted to. 

    I was sure my blog would not meet the criteria, because I haven’t blogged a lot since I joined Oracle, focusing on work stuff. It turns out my blog is being migrated, and they did a staging so bloggers could do some verification of the migration process.  That got me looking at my blog, and I reaIized that all my Sun posts were brought over to my Oracle blog when I started my Oracle blog. That easily gave me the quantity to meet the criteria, and I had posted within the last year. 

    Today I looked back through some of my old  posts, finding some that had not had picture URLs updated properly, so I did some fixing, and took a walk down memory lane. It has me thinking about the fact that my Sun blog covered work and personal stuff, while I am not as comfortable with blogging personal stuff on my Oracle blog. And clearly I have this separate blog for personal stuff. Should I try to import my old Sun blog entries to this blog? Will that cause the service that posts blog updates to Twitter, et al a conniption? Should I blog more often? I’ve been doing it for nearly 13 years, and I expect to keep going, I’m just giving some thought to where, and maybe why.