Archive for December, 2019

#BSFM45 Twelve Days of BSFM continue

December 26, 2019

    As noted in my previous post, the film line up for the 45th Boston Science Fiction Marathon (BSFM45) is coming out a day at a time via Instagram, and we have five more films listed. Is it just me, or is there an alliterative trend, at least in this set, with Fs and Ms holding prominence. Once the line up is complete, I think I will review release dates, as I may just be imagining clumping. ^_^
    I got a new K480 Logitech Bluetooth kayboard that can switch between 3 devices easily, and I have enjoyed this capability with the K780 I got at our local Give Your Stuff Away day. It has a built in groove for holding phones or tablets while typing on them, and I got to thinking maybe I should bring it to the BSFM to make my live posting easier, and as I am using it for this post I realize it would not be a good fit, as the keys on the K480 are too noisy. The K780 on the other hand would be quiet enough I think, though it is larger, having a number pad in addition to the usual keys.
    Here are the last five days worth of films in the Thon lineup. More coming soon. ^_^

Fiend with out a Face
The Fly
Midnight Special
Miracle Mile
Mysterious Island

#BSFM45 Early Start

December 26, 2019

    An early start this year to the list of films planned for the 45th Boston Science Fiction Marathon, happening Noon on February 16th through Noon on February 17th at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square, Somerville, MA. Perhaps we are getting a holiday treat in the form of an Instagram Advent Calendar, as a new movie has been posted every day for the last three days. What we have so far are listed below. The weather outside now reminds me of what we usually get for the Thon, so I am in the mood. 🙂

Altered States

Die Monster Die

Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde

p.s. This post is a few days late, as the iOS WordPress app seems a little confusing lately in it’s messages, and I thought I had published it, then today found that I had not actually published it. I’ll know better next time.