Archive for February, 2012

#BSFM37 – Fini

February 28, 2012
While the last movie was a neat concept, and not bad, but it was a bit slow for an audience on the verge of passing out from sleep deprivation. Perhaps had it run earlier, it would have been more enjoyable

And so ends another fun filled Thon. I may do a post mortem post, but if not, I’ll blog again next year. Till then. ^_^

P. S. What is this post doing over a week after the Thon ended? It turns out my iPhone blogging client, iBlogger, has a very annoying problem. It, apparently randomly, looses track of my blog entries, including loosing unpublished local posts. I remembered this part way through BSFM37, and tried to remember to copy the text of my posts regularly.

Unfortunately, I forgot I was doing that by the time I noticed my final entry had not been posted. At least until this morning, when it occurred to me that I might gave copied my final post. Sure enough I did. And the explanation ended up longer than the original post. 🙂

#BSFM37 – Last film up next

February 20, 2012
I’ll admit it, the Battlestar Galactica movie dragged a bit by today’s standards, but I think it was better than the first in the original series. Garen is touting the full festival, which includes features and shorts all week long. And of course thank you’s for all the hard working folks who make the Thon possible every year.

We may have a new ritual starting thus year. the audience really took to Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood yelling at each other “You go to hell” ” No you go to hell”. This may supplement Rice/Wheat Chex.

#BSFM37 – almost there

February 20, 2012


Whoops, actually there were three left last post. Paul was great fun and a nerds dream. I’ll see that again, with the rest of the family. I’m sure I missed a lot of the jokes, and loved the ones I did catch. See it if you haven’t yet.So, now there are 2 films left, again both of which I haven’t seen. That makes the Thon funner when most of the films are ones I get to enjoy for the first time. Mission Galactica up next, from the first series.

#BSFM37 – tech report

February 20, 2012
Curse you autocorrect

Curse you autocorrect

This year, not surprisingly, there are a lot more obvious smart phones. I’ve been using my iPhone for these posts, although I drop the brightness all the way down during the movies. And some folks have been texting, with out turning down the brightness. Ah well.

2 movies left and I haven’t seen either one. And I’m wide awake. ^_^

#BSFM37 – more of the same

February 20, 2012
Japanese Animation

Japanese Animation

Well, what do you know? Turns out that the lead in Re-Animator is Jeffrey Combs, whom I know for his multiple rolls in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Cheesy gore and gratuitous nudity were in abundance in this film. Oooh, what was I thinking? I should have gotten a pic for this post. Probably could have gotten both in one shot.

Time for an animated flick, with “Cowboy Bebop The Movie”.

#BSFM37 – It’s Alive

February 20, 2012
Do you know me?

Do you know me?

So far I feel like I am holding up well, considering the hour. As usual, I’ve brought much more food than I need, but I would rather have too much than not enough. Based on some snoring, other attendees are catching some Zzzzzs.

While the audience may not be surviving, the movies are in there keep it alive, or bring it back phase. Now that Frankenstein is done, it’s time for Re-Animator. I actually have never seen Re-Animator. Time to pay attention. ^_^

#BSFM37 – taking toll

February 20, 2012
The hours are starting to take their toll. My friends from Mosaic, having stayed for “Scanners”, are now heading home. And with another old classic coming up, “Frankenstein”, Alexei is taking a nap.

But first a short, Bambi meets Godzilla. Don’t blink.

#BSFM37 – paranoids unite

February 20, 2012
Nice hat.

Nice hat.

What an interesting followup to “The Island of Lost Souls”, the tin foil hat contest. This year’s was consistently good, making it better than most. It came down to the second, a tin foil Cthulhu, and the last, a well done artistic chapeau. The chapeau won, but it was close. Scanners now, more later.

#BSFM37 – passing midnight

February 19, 2012
Not quite MST3K

Not quite MST3K

Another fun movie, Attack the Block had a nice mix of humor, suspense, scares, and of course aliens and blood. We are about a half hour behind schedule, as we start into “The Island of Lost Souls”, a 1932 film based on H.G. Wells “The Island of Dr. Moreau”.

The picture is of the alien mating call contest, but the chaps showing off the backs of their heads are friends from my community, Mosaic Commons. One’s a regular here, and the other is a newbie. Hopefully, he’ll be a regular as well. ^_^

#BSFM37 – Technical Difficulties

February 19, 2012
Sound check

Sound check

At the start of ‘Dimensions’ there was some trouble getting the sound to work off the DVD, er BluRay, which allowed plenty of time for rounds of Rice Chex / Wheat Chex. It was interesting to hear attempts at alternate Chex rounds, including mic, corn, sound, bounced, etc.

Since the delay took longer than hoped, they moved up the alien mating call contest. Not as bad as many years, but not great.

What a delightful time travel romance. It was a premiere and I highly recommend it, particularly if you like period pieces. ^_^

#BSFM37 – Bollywood FTW

February 19, 2012
No pics of this musical Bollywood robot movie, and though it was long, it was fun. There were 12 winners of the trivia contest, which is harder to run what with all the devices and Google.

Actually, it was an easy trivia this year, as I got most of them with no help. Coming here helps, but my lifetime of experience with SF films helped too. Pizza is now on sale, and we are all partaking as we await the start of a premiere movie ‘Dimensions’.

#BSFM37 – 3 flick down

February 19, 2012
Space travel the way it should be

Space travel the way it should be

A fine classic 50s movie, showcasing the latest in space travel comfort. Now to the movie I’ve been waiting for, a robot movie from Bollywood, Endhiran. Back later. ^_^

BFSM37 – 2nd break

February 19, 2012
I find it interesting that in both movies we’ve seen so far, there have been some cast members that register more for other roles. This isn’t uncommon, but seems to draw my attention more this year, probably because the roles I know then from are the only other roles I know them from.

Louise Fletcher, in Brainstorm, I know as Kai Wynn (spelling) from Deep Space Nine Star Trek series. The assertive neighbor in Rise of the Planet of the Apes I know as Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis, and the jerk keeper at the primate animal shelter from the same movie I know from Harry Potter films as Malfoy.

I wonder if the trend will continue ad we head into War of the Satellites.

#BFSM37 – 1st break

February 19, 2012

“load” bearing piano @ Somerville Theatre

This remake of “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” was pretty good, although a bit of a stretch what the scientist got a way with. So much for security.

Here is Alexei and his grandpa checking out the load bearing piano. Apparently when they got rid of the orchestra pit, the piano was too big and heavy to bother with, so they built an extension of the stage on it, back in 1930s, they built it on the piano. when they did restoration work on the pit last year, they verified that the piano had been bearing the load all those years.

Now it’s time for Brainstorm, with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood. Don’t loop the sex scenes. ^_^

#BSFM37 – DD and beyond

February 19, 2012
Duck Dodgers gets the eye

Duck Dodgers gets the eye

An early start this year due to a tight schedule. Duck Dodgers was great as always. That Warner Bros stuff never gets old. Now for Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

My friend’s not here yet, but hopefully soon.

#BSFM37 – a view from above

February 19, 2012
From the top of the balcony

From the top of the balcony

Heh, even joking about it, or because I joked about it, I was nervous about forgetting the tickets, which I naturally did once we were walking from parking to the theatre. Really felt like an idiot. Fortunately, my friend hadn’t left our community yet, so after a quick call, he walked to my home and grabbed the tickets.

We were able to talk our way on to save some seats. And now they are starting some previews, both old and new. The weather is wonderfully mild, with no snow, but the line up is so good, particularly around dinner time, heading out for something may be challenging. I’m leaning towards in house pizza.

I’m feeling good and looking forward to this years event. I tried to get some exercise yesterday to make up for it, including some fun roller skating, and an evening of dancing at our neighboring community. I like the charge, and I’ll look into prepping for next year’s Thon the same way.

Garen has started his introductory comments, and Duck Dodgers can’t be far away.

#BSFM37 – Logging the past

February 18, 2012
OK, I’m not sure of the blogging etiquette involved here, but too bad. In trying to review past posts on the Thon, so that I can perhaps learn from my past, I realized that it’s not as easy as I would like. So, if only for myself, here is a collection of links to what I think are all my blog posts from the Thon, or closely related. Let me know if you find any I missed. ^_^—update-2.html—update-3.html—update-4.html—fin.html—fini.html

Pre-Boston Science Fiction Marathon 37

February 12, 2012
I haven’t been blogging much these days, but one of the 2 events each year I like to blog about is a week away. I will start the titles of the posts much like last year, with the following hash tag, #BSFM37 so it will be easy to track in twitter. This year it will again be 3 generations of my family, although my youngest was not as interested as his older brother, so he won’t be joining us this year.

Time to dig up my notes from previous years, review my old blog posts, and dig out my tickets. I got them real early this year, well actually early last fall, so I’ve got to pull them
out of that safe place where they won’t get lost and I’ll be sure to remember where they are. Surely you’ve tucked things away in such a place, never to find them again. At least they are safe. Wish me luck. 🙂

I’ve commented on the weather in the past, and it looks unlikely that we’ll have any snow, but it may still be quite cold, or maybe not. We’ve had a mold winter with random frigid days. Just can’t tell what we might get, even for New England.

As usual, the line up is quite a mix, including classics, premieres, space, brains, aliens, machines and more. Leave me s comment if you plan to be there, or wish you were. Here’s what to expect. I may try a post for each. Won’t that fill up your twitter feed. ^_^

WAR OF THE SATELLITES (1958) Roger Corman’s 8 day wonder starring Boston’s own tragic Susan Cabot.
BRAINSTORM (1983) Natalie Wood’s last film from sfx wizard Douglas Trumbull.
FRANKENSTEIN (1931) Rare studio archive print of the classic.
MISSION GALACTICA: Cylon Attack (1979) 2nd of the ‘Galactica’ movies.
ISLAND OF LOST SOULS (1932) Archive print of HG Wells’ classic.
PAUL (2011) Sci-fi comedy from the folks who gave us ‘Shaun of the Dead’.
RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (2011) Stirring re-imaging of the classic.
SCANNERS (1981) David Cronenberg’s brain exploding ground breaker.
RE-ANIMATOR (1985) H.P. Lovecraft as channeled by Stuart Gordon.
ATTACK THE BLOCK (2011) One of our faves for this year
COWBOY BE-BOP (2001) Cult hit based on the TV show.
Boston Premiere! THE ROBOT ENHIDRAN It has Thon written all over it. Bollywood here we come.
North American Premiere DIMENSIONS (2012) Think what if PBS’ Masterpiece Theatre had a sci-fi edge? Part of The Fest.
Plus DUCK DODGERS, BAMBI MEETS GODZILLA, Fest shorts, Trailers guests and more to announced soon.